Impossible Citizens: Dubai's Indian Diaspora by Neha Vora

Impossible Citizens: Dubai's Indian Diaspora by Neha Vora

Author:Neha Vora
Language: eng
Format: mobi
Publisher: Duke University Press Books
Published: 2013-03-17T21:00:00+00:00

Note: page numbers in italics refer to illustrations; those followed by ‘‘n’’ and ‘‘t’’ indicate endnotes and tables, respectively.

abcd (American-Born Confused Desi) identification, 149

Abu Dhabi, 158, 184

activism. See Arab Spring; democracy, activism, and the political

Agamben, Giorgio, 16, 17–19, 196n59

Al Fahidi Fort, 58, 58

Al Qasr hotel, 51

Al-Sayegh, Fatma, 208n2

Altbach, Philip G., 161–62

American University of Dubai (aud), 158

American University of Kuwait (auk), 159

American University of Sharjah (aus), 147, 158, 163, 164–65

Anderson, Benedict, 17, 55, 203n38

Antwerp, Belgium, 210n30

Appadurai, Arjun, 175

Arabian Adventures, 51

‘‘Arabian culture,’’ 51. See also tradition and culture

Arabian Gulf: as term, 191n1. See also specific topics

Arabic language, 154, 155, 157, 164, 167

Arab Spring, 117, 171–74, 178–80, 189– 90, 211n1, 217n1, 218n14

archaeology, 55

‘‘astronaut’’ children, 144–45, 168

automobiles, 77–78

Ayubi, Nazih, 14, 193n21

‘‘bachelors,’’ 48, 62, 73, 202n28

Bahrain, 111, 172, 173, 179, 211n33, 214n2 Balibar, Etienne, 180, 181

Banias, 204n57

‘‘bare life,’’ 18–19

Bastakiya, 56–58, 57, 204n46

Beblawi, Hazem, 195n51

Bedouins, 54, 208n2

belonging, disavowals of, 5, 22, 92. See

also citizenship

biographies, 98

biopolitics, 18–19

Brah, Avtar, 65

British colonialism: citizenship and

imperialism, 197n63; merchants, protection of, 208n2, 217n11; Trucial Agreements and, 54

Buddha Bar, 46

Bur Dubai neighborhood, 36–38, 43, 68,


Burj al-Arab, 35, 49

Burj Khalifa complex, 42, 51, 201n12 businessmen, Indian. See elite expatriate

Indians; merchants, gold re-export, and shifting forms of belonging; New Dubai

bus metaphor, 121

Butler, Kim, 199n95

chai prices, 205n58

Chakrabarty, Dipesh, 5

change, middle-class narratives of,

camel racing, 203n34

capitalism, neoliberal. See global city model, neoliberal; neoliberalism censorship, Internet, 46, 160, 201n20,



children: ‘‘astronaut’’ or ‘‘parachute’’ chil

dren, 144–45, 168; migration, patrilineality, and, 60, 148–49. See also

second-generation youth

choice, discourses of, 115, 125, 134–35 citizenship: Agamben’s ‘‘bare life’’ and

violent exceptions and, 17–20; British,

197n63; consumer, 48, 135–41; in diaspora studies, 30; education and, 157–

58; exception as constitutive of, 5,

196n55; exteriority, interiority, and

limits of, 16–17; feminist analysis of,

195n55; gendered, 60; gold merchant

narratives and transnational citizenship, 116; ‘‘impossible,’’ 3, 21, 175, 186;

India and, 25–27; latitudinal, 22, 33;

law of local partnership and loopholes,

105–9; liberal governance and, 13–14;

middle class and, 121; multiple forms

of, 14, 175, 176; ‘‘nationality’’ vs., 60–

61; neoliberal production and, 45;

overreliance on citizen-noncitizen

binary, 111; patrilineality and, 60;

rentier state and, 9; substantive, 20–

22, 24, 32, 116, 118, 122; types of, 21–

22; universality and, 196n55; uno≈cial

citizenship of gold merchants, 97, 101,

113–14, 115–16; Western liberal

democracy, theoretical bias toward,

174; youth views of, 167. See also urban

citizenship and belonging

city-corporation, Dubai as, 43–44, 49 civil unrest, 22, 177–78. See also Arab


class di√erentiation: expatriate signifier

and, 47–48; post-bust mobility, 185–

86; race and making of the middle

class, 130–36. See also specific groups clothing, 59, 207n20

colleges. See universities

colonialism: British Raj protection of

merchants, 208n2, 217n11; diaspora

theory and, 29; nostalgia, colonial, 51;

universities and, 161–62. See also


Comaro√, Jean, 6–7

Comaro√, John, 6–7

Commercial Companies Law (UAE),


commuting, 67–68

consulate, Indian, 87, 88

consumer citizenship, 48, 135–41 corporatism: state legitimacy and, 14 cosmopolitanism: consumer belonging

and, 51–52; erasure of history of, 52–

55; gold merchants and competing

forms of, 94, 114–15

crime and discrimination, 207n20 Crystal, Jill, 194n42

culture, traditional. See tradition and


Culture Village free zone, 51

88; Indian state projects and exclusions, 24–27; migration insecurities by nationality and gender, 74–78; solidarities and divisions of community and, 81–83; subject classifications, misfit of, 75, 78–81; triptych classifica

tion and, 63–64

diasporas, South Asian, 23, 151

diaspora theory: challenge to normative

concept, 65; criteria, listings of,

199n95; gender and, 102;


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